Empower your workforce with the BOND Account,
and in turn, financial coaching and even an extra income.

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Increased productivity
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1. Financial coaching for all

From the break room to the board room, give your workforce access to the best financial services. We set your team up for success and go beyond the paycheck. Our mobile app gives daily financial insights to boost their knowledge and bank accounts. It’s like having a money coach in their pockets! Whether it’s setting up a new savings account or refinancing a car, our Empathy Engine seamlessly connects them to the best financial products exactly when they need them.

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2. Increase productivity

Some employees spend up to 15% of their working hours worrying about personal finances. Financial stress is also the No. 1 cause of increased absenteeism, lost productivity and missed revenue in the workplace. For a 150-person company, that’s $1,266,750 a year in lost productivity. The BOND Account can help your employees better manage their finances, so they don’t waste their time on the job.

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Cyber Security - Sleek X Webflow Template

Cyber Security - Sleek X Webflow Template

3. See results

By enhancing the financial health of employees, you can increase organizational revenue and productivity. Companies that offer financial health benefits see a 76% rise in retention, 65% better engagement and 55% increase in productivity. The BOND Account allows you to measure and attend to the financial health of your employees like never before.

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Web apps

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Supported languages
React - Sleek X Webflow TemplateVue JS - Sleek X Webflow TemplateAngular - Sleek X Webflow Template
Web Apps - Sleek X Webflow Template
Mobile Apps - Sleek X Webflow Template

Mobile apps

Est amet tellus aliquet malesuada senectus tellus amet massa phasellus dis viverra nibh mauris amet purus purus mass lobortis tempor malesuada dui tellus in sit elit ut bibendum a tellus.

Supported languages
Switf - Sleek X Webflow TemplateKotlin - Sleek X Webflow TemplatePython - Sleek X Webflow Template
Mobile Apps - Sleek X Webflow Template

Our current partners

Facebook - Sleek X Webflow Template
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Financial coach

Empower your employees with a financial coach powered by artificial intelligence. Give them the tools they need for success.

Commitment - Sleek X Webflow Template

Financial inclusion

The BOND Account allows you to provide financial services to all employees, no matter what their financial history might be.

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The BOND Score

This score allows your employees better access to credit services that look at more than their credit history.

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Rapid onboarding

Get new employees in the system fast. They can e-sign important documents, complete forms and be on your payroll in just minutes.

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Advanced paycheck

Sometimes payday is too late. Give employees access to their wages in advance in case of emergency so they don’t have to rely on predatory lenders.

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Get the word out

Communicate directly with employees using the chatbot. It even allows you to find out what questions employees might be asking.